A Simple Desk


Now more than ever we all are looking for a space in our home to do our work. We are looking for a space for our kids to do their schoolwork.

Of course it would be nice to have a home office that’s an entire room, but if you don’t have that option or need extra desk space for all the people in your home who need a work station, this is an easy solution. Affordable and cute, too!

For me, it’s incredibly important that I be in the center of all the action. With kiddos running around and everyone constantly needing mama, having my own desk space where I can still see and hear everything is key.

Here’s how we made it.

diy desk courtney lawrence studio
  1. We used a 2x4 to make a W-shaped frame however large you want the desk to be.

  2. Using thinner pine boards, we cut them to size to fit around the front and sides.

  3. Then, we stained the boards that would be showing on the outside. You could also paint or use a clear coat.

  4. For the top and bottom, you could use plywood or a thicker pine board. If you use a thicker board for the top and bottom, be sure to account for this when you cut the front and side pieces. Stain or paint those as well.

  5. We then used screws to attach it to the wall (on the studs) and then attached the top and bottom pieces using a nail gun.

diy desk courtney lawrence studio

You could certainly make a wall desk with just one board and attach it to the wall with brackets as well. There are so many options!

Such a simple concept, yet it’s already been a HUGE success in our house!

plant wall courtney lawrence studio

From my studio to yours,



Room Reveal: A Calm and Cozy Bedroom


Room reveal: A Clementine Nursery